On December 6th, the 288th sunshine forum has been held online by the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Prof. Sónia Carabineiro from New University of Lisbon was invited to give an academic report entitled "Environ-mental Catalysis by Gold", which was chaired by Dr. Zheng Zhang. The faculty members, graduate and undergraduate representatives participated in the discussion.
Sónia Carabineiro is an assistant Professor at the New University of Lisbon. She is (co-) author for more than 20 chapters in books, and more than 200 articles in international scientific journals. She is co-inventor of 1 worldwide patent, evaluator of several international project proposals (including European Research Council grants). She is a regular referee of several international journals, being currently one of the top female reviewers in the world (Publons Clarivate). She is also a member of the Editorial and Reviewer Boards of several journals, including ChemCatChem (Wiley) and Catalysts and Nanomaterials (MDPI). She was included in the list of the worldwide most cited scientists (top 2% of Chemistry) published by Stanford University since 2017 and until now.
Her research interests focus on catalysts by gold nanoparticles, single and mixed metal oxides, nanostructured carbon materials (including carbon nanotubes and graphene), heterogenization of homogenous complexes, gas and liquid phase oxidations, and environmental catalysis.